Capitalisti del 21. secolo di Werner Rügemer

Rügemer, Werner
Capitalisti del 21. secolo : i nuovi operatori finanziari / Werner Rügemer ; traduzione di Tanja Kovarik e Claudia Crivellaro. – Roma : Castelvecchi, 2021. – 378 p. ; 21 cm. – (Nodi).) – [ISBN] 978-88-328-2987-7

Il report contiene

Indice (Ed.inglese)
Presentazione dell’editore italiano
Presentazione redazionale
Riferimenti bibliografici

Indice (ed inglese)

Table of content

History is open
I. The New Capitalist Players of the West
1. The big capital organizers: BlackRock&Co
2. Private equity investors: The exploiters
3. Hedge funds: The pillagers
4. Elite investment banks: The arrangers
5. Private banks: Discreet front for the big players
6. Venture Capitalists: The preparers
7. Traditional banks as service providers
8. The Internet capitalists
9. The civilian private army of transatlantic capital
II. The relationship USA – European Union
1. Reversal of the balance of power since the First World War
2. The Internet under US supervision
3. The capitalist – digital – military complex
4. Free trade: The EU in conflict with the USA
III. China – Communist – led capitalism
1. USA against Chinese self – liberation
2. The dialectic of the import of capitalism
3. State, Communist Party, Socialism
4. USA: Weaken China economically, threaten it militarily
5. China: Economic and peaceful globalization
IV. Present and Future of Earthly Society
List of Abbreviations

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